Monday, March 25, 2013

Point of Sale Systems

Wherever we go to shop nowadays, every transaction is processed through a POS(Point of Sale) system or terminal through which we pay for our goods or services. In earlier days we probably remember seeing POS systems that only had buttons and a small teleprompter with a seven segment display to show the prices to the customer. However now in the modern days, we see advanced terminals almost everywhere we go whether it is at a bar, restaurant, retail store, or even an ATM machine. These systems have evolved from buttons and tele-prompters to touch screen computers and digital pads where customers can view prices and finish off their transaction if a credit or debit card is used. At restaurants we I have seen how employees can view a floor map with the tables of the restaurant on the screen and they are able to hold reservations for people. Also you may have noticed how tabs are saved in the systems for later checkouts. The digital pads we see at stores allow the customer to sign their name and sometimes give out contact information such as an email after a transaction. At some restaurants and even on airplanes I have seen handheld devices where transactions can be executed. The next time you go out to a bar, restaurant, or store, pay close attention to how you interact with modern business technologies that are used to day in the retail industry.

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