Sunday, March 10, 2013

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is an upcoming technology that is changing the way we see the world. With augmented reality we are now able to use computer generated sensory input such as pictures, video, sound or GPS information to determine an output. The iPhone has an app called Skyview which is free and lets you visualize the exact location of the stars, satellites, moon and more all in real time. The app uses GPS data to determine your location and then calculates the location of outer space objects. The user is able to interact with the graphics generated by the computer and the graphics will react back. It is a real time interaction with humans and computers. The new Google Glasses which have not yet been released will use augmented reality technology to analyze visual input and give an output that can range from location to information about a building you may be looking at. This technology will become the next generation of human-computer interaction and will enhance our daily lives. Click on the link below to see a real demonstration of augmented reality technology.

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